
Bird News Thursday 29th October

A wing-tagged Golden Eagle was over Farbreagagh Hill nr Pettigo Co Donegal today seen by Fionnbarr&Donal Cross (per Brad Robson)

A 1st winter Iceland Gull was amongst soaring Gulls over Portrush Harbour. Approximately 70 Greenland White-fronted Geese were mobile in the fields between Portballintrae and Bushmills .(Colin Guy)

A Short-eared Owl was at the Bann Estuary (Peter Welch)

Another Short-eared Owl was at Ballyquintin (Keith Bennett)

Good views were had of a Red Kite today from tow path between Moira and Broadwater. (Sandy McWilliams/Ynyr Robinson)

RSPB Belfast WOW this morning had 400+ Teal, 300+ Curlew, 60+ Wigeon, 40+ Shoveler, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 4 Knot, Buzzard, 2 Snipe and 12 golden plover. (Derek Polley)
A Woodcock was along Heron Road in Belfast (Samuel Thomas).
 There was no sign of the Short-eared Owl at Ballymacormick Point (Warren Fowles).

 In Donegal a Blackcap was at Malinmore, 11 Pale-bellied Brent at Rocky Point, 12 Whooper Swan at Killuris Lough near Rossbeg and 115 Sanderling and Chough at Tramore Strand (Vernon Carter).

Thanks to Peter Welch for this pic of the Bann Sorth-eared Owl:

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