
Bird News Wednesday 28th October

A late Swallow was at Washing Bay, Lough Neagh (Adam McClure)

Whitehead seafront had 10 Twite. Portmuck had 5 Red-throated Diver in winter plumage and 1 Great Northern Diver in full summer plumage. Blackhead had 2 Red-throated Divers (Ian Enlander).

The Short-eared Owl was giving good views at Ballymacormick Point. A Snipe and several Carrion Crow were also present (Warren Fowles).

At Lough Beg a Short-eared Owl and Merlin were at Paddy's Dub (Godfrey McRoberts).  

If you have any rare or scarce bird news or pictures you would like to share, please do so at

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for the picture of a Red Grouse taken at Slieveanorra and a Jay from Breen Wood and to Stephen Maxwell for the picture of the Kestrel.



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