
Bird News Sunday 1st November

The Spoonbill was at Mount Stewart bay, viewable from the Gasworks, Strangford Lough along with 3 Little Egrets and 2 Herons (Keith Bennett)

13 Tundra Bean Geese are at Inch Levels this morning (Chris Ingram)

At least one Short-eared Owl is at Ballymacormick Point, Co Down (Garry Armstrong) this bird was still present this afternoon (Stuart McQueen)

A Short-eared Owl and a Merlin were at Ballintoy harbour (Gerard McGeehan)

Another Short-eared Owl was at Myroe (Christine Cassidy and Ray Brogan)

A Short-eared Owl was also at Selshion Bog, Portadown this morning. Also on Wednesday 28 Oct there was a juvenile Swallow round a house in Portadown in the early morning (Brian Nelson)

A Whimbrel was at Ballymacormick Point. (Richard Weyl)

The 4 Whoopers were still on the Lough at Glynn Halt this morning again. (Linda Thompson)

A flock of 17 Pink Feet were at Reedy Flat, Lough Neagh (James O'Neill)

Portrush had an Iceland Gull and 7 Twite (Gerard McGeehan)

This morning a very late Wheatear was SE of Slemish (Larry Toal)

The juvenile male Ring-necked Duck was with 300 Tufted and 40 Pochard at Lough Beg although not easy to pick out as it has more subtle markings than an adult female. Also present were the female/first-winter Smew, 3 Merlin, a juvenile Hen Harrier and 4 Little Egret (David Steele)

A female Merlin flew in off the sea at Ballymacormick Point (Warren Fowles)

You can share rare and scarce bird news and pics via Email:  Twitter: @nibirds  Text: 07973403146  Flightline: 02891467408  Many thanks to all contributors.

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this pic of the Short-eared Owl at Myroe and James O'Neill for the Pink Feet:


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