
Bird News Monday 2nd November

The Short-eared Owl was still showing well at Ballymacormick Point, Groomsport this morning (despite the mist). (Stuart McQueen) see pic below
The Owl was still present this afternoon.(Donny Moore) see pic below

Today Fair Head, Ballycastle, had a juvenile Hen harrier and 3 Chough.( Patrick Barton)

Larne Lough had 9 Pink-footed Geese along with 45 Greylag at Steel's Point a mile north of Ballycarry Bridge on the Island Magee side (Cameron Moore).

A late Swallow was on the east side of Killough Bay (David Clarke).

Yesterday, 14 Pink footed Geese,where in stubble fields on Straid Rd, Ballintoy. 1 Fieldfare on Isle Rd, Lisnagunogue.
Thanks to both Stuart and Donny for this pics of the SEO:

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