
Bird News Tuesday 3rd November

4 Short-eared Owls were at Myroe this morning (David Nixon & Philip McHaffie) They were still present at 2:15pm tight again best fence posts (Christine Cassidy and Lindsay Hodges)

Two Short-eared Owls were reported from Ballymacormick Point, Co Down (Nigel Moore, Gary Wilkinson, Derek Polley). Amazingly 5 Short-eared Owls were seen going to roost at Ballymacormick Point / Groomsport, this evening (John Edwards / Aaron Devlin)

Loughshore Park, Belfast Lough, Co Antrim had a Long-tailed Duck and a 2nd year Med Gull (Gerard McGeehan).

A male Black Redstart was in Palatine Row, off Palatine Square, Killough (Chris Murphy)

4 Little Egret were at Gowland Islands in Strangford Narrows.

Thanks to Nigel Moore for this top pic of one of the Ballymacormick Point SEO's and Christine Cassidy and Philip Mchaffie for the other pics of the Myroe SEOs!
Nigel Moore:

Christine Cassidy:

Philip Mchaffie:

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