
Bird News Wednesday 4th November

A Marsh Harrier was at St John’s Point, Co Down this morning, a Swallow was in Killough and 16 Greylag flew north east over Killough at mid-day.  (Chris Murphy)

A Long-eared Owl was hunting over long grass fields along Windmill Road on left approx 1mile from the Pheasant Restaurant near Annahilt  at 3.10pm. (Garry Wilkinson)

A Short Eared Owl area east of Ramore Head in Portrush this afternoon, being harassed by a couple of Herring Gulls. (Dougie Gamble)

A Merlin and a Short-eared Owl were at Myroe this morning. (Annette Elkin/David Hill).

One Short-eared Owl was at Ballymacormick Point this afternoon being harassed by 21 Lapwings - the Owl flew off south. (Stuart McQueen). There were two Short-eared Owls hunting at Ballymacormick this evening. (James O'Neill).

17 Pink-footed Geese were still at Reedy Flats on the south shore of Lough Neagh. (James O'Neill).

A flyover Snow bunting and a Jack Snipe were at Dunnaree Hill, County Tyrone this afternoon, (Clive Mellon).

A male Ring-necked Duck and 2 Gadwall were at Kinnegar sewage pools (Tom Ennis) and a male Scaup and 9 Gadwall off Kinnegar shore (Robin Vage).

36 Whooper Swans flew over Corbally Reservoir,Portrush. Magilligan Point had 2 juvenile Arctic Terns, 26 Whooper Swans and 2 Red-throated Divers. (Colin Guy).

A Marsh Harrier flew over the Quoile Pondage in front of the hide at 15:55pm today Shortly after around 20 Whooper Swans arrived looked like they were settling for the night. (Tony Donaldson).

Today Ballykelly had 5 Red-throated Diver, 340 Whooper Swans, 1 Spotted Redshank, 5 Greenshank, 3 Little Egret and !50 Skylarks. At Myroe, the Short-eared Owl and Merlin were still showing this afternoon, also 2 Buzzard, 3000 Golden Plovers and 2 Little Egret. Ball's Point had 47 Brent and 7 Pink-footed Geese. (Hill Dick/Peter Robinson).

Thanks to David Hill for these pictures of the Short-eared Owl at Myroe.

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