
Bird News Saturday 23rd April

The White-tailed Eagle was giving colossal views this morning at Coastguards to East Light on Rathlin. (Neal Warnock)

The first summer Med Gull, a second summer and an adult Ring-billed Gulls were all at the RSPB WOW reserve (Stuart McKee)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Inch, Co Donegal (Brad Robson)

A male Whinchat was at Craigmacagan Lough, Rathlin (Neal Warnock)

As well as the Whinchat Rathlin also had 5 Whimbrel, 7 Wheatear and 4 Brent Geese. (Colin Guy).

A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was at Dundrum inner bay (David Nixon)

Inch lough and levels Co Donegal as well as the male Ring-necked Duck (displaying to Tufties) had 1 ad Med Gull on the island, also 1 leucistic Black-headed Gull, 169 White Wagtail, 15 Common Tern, a Sedge Warbler. Blanketnook had 15 Common Tern, 130 Whimbrel, a Ruff, 1 White Wagtail and a Sedge Warbler (Brad Robson)

Thanks to David Nixon for the picture of the Dark-bellied Brent Goose, to Linda Thompson for the picture of the Wheatear and to Brad Robson for the picture of the Ring-necked Duck:


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