
Bird News Sunday 24th April

Late news for yesterday is at Reedy Flat in the evening there was a female Merlin which was hunting Snipe; a kestrel, 12 Ruff, (including males moulting into summer plumage) in among a flock of 100 Golden Plover. Also two late Whooper Swans, 15 Whimbrel and 3 Swifts. (James O'Neill).

This morning a flock of 200+ Whimbrel and 150 Black-tailed Godwit were in fields just east of Emerson's sand pit at Ardmore on the south shore of Lough Neagh. 4 White Wagtail were at the Discovery Centre at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong)

A 2nd cal-year Iceland Gull was at Drains Bay, Co. Antrim (Neal Warnock)

Ballymacormick Point had 6 Whimbrel and a White Wagtail (Wilton Farrelly)

Grasshopper Warblers were calling in the reedy field on the right between Knock Bridge and Moneypenny Lock along the towpath towards Portadown (Karen Elliott)

A first year little gull at Portavoe Reservoir. (Richard Weyl)

The Merlin was still at Reedy Flat today, along with 2 Wheatear, c.60 Whimbrel and 10 Ruff. (James O'Neill)

Thanks to James O'Neill for this picture of a female Merlin:

Some of the 200 Whimbrel at Ardmore.

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