
Bird News Monday 2nd May

The Glossy Ibis was still showing well at Portmore Lough (Laura Smith / Graham & Claire Moorehead)

A Red Kite was spotted over the Lisnamurrikin Road just outside Ballymena at 2pm this afternoon (Tom Swann)

Two Garganey were also at Portmore Lough (Birdguides)

Two Golden Eagles have been seen in County Antrim. (Gareth Platt)

Late news for yesterday was that 3 adult Med Gulls, 2 Arctic Tern, 9 Common Tern  and the summer plumages Ruff were at RSPB WOW Reserve (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

The drake ring-necked duck is still at Temple Water, Castleward. (Richard Weyl)

A male Whinchat was seen on the Glenhead road today (Lilian Cummings)

110 Whimbrel were at Lough Beg this evening. 200+ White Wagtails and a female were Merlin at Mullagh. (David Steele)

Thanks to Kate Mc Allister and Marta Barberis for this pic of the Glossy Ibis and to Gareth Platt for the record shot of the Golden Eagle:

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