
Bird News Sunday 1st May.

Two Little Gull (one adult,one 1st summer) were on Cockle Island, Groomsport. Big movement of Whimbrel were noted on the outer Ards peninsula.(Garry Armstrong/Wilton Farrelly)

A Glossy Ibis was at Portmore Lough (Kate Mc Allister/Marta Barberis)

A Glaucous Gull was at Brigg's Rock this afternoon and seen again on Cockle Island this evening, (no sign of the two Little Gulls seen in morning) Colin Guy.

An almost full summer plumaged Great Northern Diver was at Glenarm Harbour, see picture below. (Kenny & Pauline Majury).

Great Northern Diver - Kenny&Pauline Majury  

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