
Bird News Thursday 12th May

3 White-billed Divers were still off the east of Tory. Also a Spotted Flycatcher & 2 Chiffchaffs. (Chris Ingram).

A summer plumaged Little Auk was seen alongside the boat on the Rathlin crossing. Rathlin itself was rather quiet but a female Whinchat ,Cuckoo, 2 Choughs and 2 Siskins were noted. Several Bottle Nosed Dolphins swam towards the boat exiting Ballycastle Harbour. (Colin Guy)

There were 7 Brent Geese at Reedy Flat today. (James O'Neill)

5 singing Garden Warblers were on an island at lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve, Co Fermanagh today (Brad Robson)

Thanks to Noeni Bryars for the picture of the Spotted Flycatcher.

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