
Bird News Wednesday 11th May

Late news of a Short-eared Owl in the upper Lough Erne near Lisnaskea last Friday (Sarah McCaffrey)

3 Spotted Flycatchers were at Delamount CP (Dot Blakley)

A Long-eared Owl and two Raven were seen at Edenderry (Samuel Thomas)

A Pacific Golden Plover was seen at Inch. It was on the mud viewable from the platform (Chris Ingram) 

A piece by Mike Dilger on Copeland Puffins will be shown on The One Show on BBC1 tonight at 7.00pm today and on the BBC iPlayer shortly thereafter.

Yesterday evening a dark phase Arctic Skua was at Whitepark Bay (David Morrow)

A first summer Semipalmated Plover was this evening at Tacumshin. 

Thanks to David Hunter for this pic of Puffins on Rathlin:

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