
Bird News Thursday 5th May

The Ruff, 2 Common Sandpiper and 100+ Common Terns and a colour ringed Black-tailed Godwit (WNO-YRY ringed Feb 2015 in Devon, recorded here April/May 2015 and again twice this year), Whimbrel, 15 Bar-tailed Godwit, 12 Knot, 4 Sandwich Tern, 6 Arctic Tern and a Med Gull were at RSPB WOW Reserve - (Derek Polley)

A Grashoper Warbler and a Wheatear were at Ballycolin Rd, Belfast hills today. (Eric Randall)

5 Whimbrel and 4 male Wheatear were seen from the car park a mile south of Glenarm and 10 Swift at Sunnlylands (Billy Hamilton)

Swifts, Grasshopper Warblers and Whitethroats seem to be widespread at present.

Thanks to John Banford for this pic of a Cuckoo:

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