
Bird News Wednesday 4th May

A Cuckoo was calling in the Derrytrasna/ Bannfoot area outside Lurgan. (Pat Flowerday)

A first summer Mediterranean Gull was at RSPB WOW reserve (Stuart McKee).

An eagle species was at the cross roads between Dromara & Hillsborough, it flew parallel to the road for about 1.5 miles & then flew off in the Banbridge direction. This is most likely to have been a WTE (David Patterson).

A male Green-winged Teal was at Church Island, Lough Beg. Also Whimbrel migrating through - total 200+ were logged this evening. A male Ruff western shoreline and five Greenland-race Wheatears at Mullagh. A Little Egret was seen flying into trees on the western side of the Beg - breeding possible (would be first in the area if confirmed). (David Steele).

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