
Bird News Saturday 23rd July

A Little Gull was off the Croaghan hide, Oxford Island (Garry Armstrong)

There were 5 rafts of Manx Shearwaters (30-40 individuals in each) at the mouth of Belfast Lough as seen from the Stena ferry when passing Kilroot power station this morning (Ian McKee)

Kinnegar Shore in the afternoon had a light bellied Brent, an adult Mediterranean Gull and three Sanderling. Good numbers of waders including Knot and Bar-tailed Godwits were also present (Wilton Farrelly)

13 Greenshank, 7 Little Egret and a Common Sandpiper were at Glynn (Gerard McGeehan)

A 2nd year Mediterranean Gull was at the Bann Estuary. (Jeff Larkin)

A Western Sandpiper is present at Tacumshin, Wexford.

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this pic of a Kingfisher:

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