
Bird News Sunday 24th July

At Oxford Island the Little Gull was still off Croaghan Hide and unusually for the site 5 Sanderling dropped in with a flock of Dunlin. (Garry Armstrong)

The Whooper Swan was seen again on the River Lagan, circa 1 mile downriver of the Island Centre (Trevor Rutherford)

A Ruff was with c35 Lapwings on flooded former peat workings at Magherlane Rd, Randalstown, this afternoon (Brian Sutton)

A Wood Sandpiper was at Belfast WOW Reserve (Gerard McGeehan)

2 Green Sandpipers were at The Quoile from the Castle Island Hide and 2 dark morph Arctic Skuas were off St. Johns Point (Jeff Larkin)

An eclipse male King Eider was at inner Donegal bay at the south end of Murvagh Beach this afternoon, also 1 Whimbrel (Brad Robson)

Thanks to David Hill for this pic of a male Reed Bunting:

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