
Bird News Monday 24th October.

The Marsh Harrier was again seen at the Quoile pondage, it was mobbing two Red Kite. (Richard Caves)

A female Brambling was with a flock of Chaffinches at Rathlin Harbour, also noted on the island was a Hen Harrier, 2 Sparrowhawks, a Kestrel, 3 White-fronted Geese, a Fieldfare, a Blackcap and 3 Chough (Colin Guy)

Three Greenshank, an adult Med Gull and thirteen Little Egrets were at Whitehouse Park (Stuart McKee)

The female Goosander was again today on the River Lagan,  just below the red bridge. Last seen heading away from bridge in Shaw's bridge direction. (Muriel Moore)

Pintail - Lesley Barker.

Grey Heron - Robert Scott.

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