
Bird News Tuesday 25th October

Four Waxwings flew in off sea near East light Rathlin appeared to land near harbour (Stuart McKee)

A Golden Eagle, possibly an adult, was seen on Rathlin Island this morning (Stuart McKee)

A Little Egret was at Ballintoy (Laura McLean)

A Marsh Harrier was seen regularly over the reedbed at RSPB Portmore Lough today (Laura Smith)

Both of Fermanagh's firsts were still present today - the Great White Egret at Lowry Shore, west end Lower Lough Erne & the 2nd winter Ring-billed Gull at the Round O Enniskillen (Brad Robson)

Binevenagh Mountain, Limavady had 31 Fieldfare, 4 Ravens & a Peregrine (Christine Cassidy & Lindsay Hodges)

Ten Little Egret and a Kingfisher were at Whitehouse Lagoon (Gerard McGeehan)

Thanks to Tony Donaldson for these pics of the Marsh Harrier and Red Kite seen at the Quoile yesterday and Lindsay Hodges for the Fieldfares:

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