
Bird News Monday 16th January

2 Waxwings in Rowan trees next to Spar at Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen. Also redhead Goosander, 2 Jack Snipe and 1 Little Egret on Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB Reserve (Brad Robson).

An adult Mediterranean Gull and 3 Greenshank were at Whitehouse Lagoon (Ruben Douglas).

A Chiffchaff was in the willows on the East side of Belfast Waterworks (Larry Toal).

This afternoon a Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Derrnavogie Road near Fivemiletown in Co Fermanagh. (Colin Bell).

A Waxwing was at the leisure centre in Stramore Road, Gilford at 3-15pm. (Cliford McCready).

A single Pink-footed Goose was with 200 Greylags at Crannagh Bridge, Aghagallon, today. (David Nixon/Philip McHaffie).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming in Hillsborough Forest today. (Mandy Cromie/Paul McCullough) 

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