
Bird News Tuesday 17th January

A Glaucous Gull was in Bangor Central Primary School - seen during the Schools Birdwatch! You can also see a video of the bird here:  (Derek Polley)

The drake Ring-Necked Duck was still at the Templewater, NT Castle Ward (Ronald Surgenor)

10 Goosander (inc 4 males) were on the River Maine, Randalstown (Brenda Campbell)

30 Scaup were between WOW and Kinnegar opposite the carpark. (Brian Hill)

The Black Redstart and Twite flock were still at Whitehead (Noeni Bryars)

The Floodgates, Newtownards, had 3 Little Egrets, approx. 500 Golden Plover and a Greenshank (Ian McKee)

Three Waxwings and two Redwings were feeding on the berries at Donard Court \ Rugby Manor, Grange Road,  Bangor (Stephen Macauley \ Dora Ferguson)

A Great White Egret & a redhead Goosander were at White Island near Castle Archdale Lower lough Erne islands, RSPB reserve, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson / Amy Burns)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was in a garden at Benvardin Road, Ballymoney (Annabel Farrell)

Two Ravens and a Kestrel were seen at The Ponderosa, Glenshane (Christine Cassidy \ Lindsay Hodges

The Black Redstart and Twite flock were still at Whitehead (Noeni Bryars)

Glynn had 2 Whooper Swans and 3 Greenshank. Lough Mourne had a Whooper Swan, Pochard and 2 Raven (Gerard McGeehan)

Thanks to Derek Polley for the Glaucous Gull and Dora Ferguson for the Waxwing pic:

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