
Bird News Friday 28th April

The Long-billed Dowitcher was still off the hide at the Quoile this morning. (Tony Donaldson).
(The bird however has not been seen early afternoon or late evening)

A wing tagged immature White-tailed Eagle was at Camlough Lake this morning, last seen heading away south east. (Joe Devlin).

An Osprey was seen flying north at the north end of Lough Beg at Newferry this morning. ( Gareth Bareham and Laura Smith).

An adult Ring-billed Gull and 1s. Little Gull were still present at RSPB WoW Belfast at 4pm (Daniel Newton)

Cloughfin Port on the Gobbins coast of Islandmagee this morning had 14 Whimbrel  and 1 'Greenland' type Wheatear. (Ian Enlander)

Rathlin Island had... 1 Iceland Gull still here, another Grasshopper Warbler (near the East Light this time), 2 Sandwich Terns, 2 Common Sandpipers, 9 Whimbrels, 23 Black-tailed Godwits.(Richard Else)

A Whimbrel was on the Blackhead coastal path, Whithead this morning. (Christine Beggs)
3 Swift were at Lurgan (Stephen Foster)

8 Whimbrel, 10 Sandwich Tern and a Common Sandpiper were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Dot Blakely)

Bann Estuary had 1 Little Gull, 22Whimbrel,165 Golden Plover,400 Dunlin,100 Sanderling and a Pergrine.(Hill Dick)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Knockmany Forest, Co. Tyrone (Anon)

20 Common Crossbills were today at Keady Mountain near Limavady before flying high to the west. Also 20+ Greenland- type Wheatears. (David Steele)

Thanks to Tony Donaldson for the picture of the Long-billed Dowitcher and to Christine Beggs for the picture of the Whimbrel.

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