
Bird News Saturday 29th April

The Little Gull & adult Ring-billed Gull were still present at RSPB WoW along with 4 Common Terns, 3 Mediterranean Gulls, & a pair of Gadwall. A Reed Warbler was also near the Hide 2 along the track (Kevin Kirkham)

The Long-billed Dowitcher is showing at the Quoile from the Castle Island Hide (Daniel Newton / Garry Armstrong)

2 Redstarts, a male and a female, a Sedge Warbler, 14 Willow Warbler, a Chiffchaff and 5 Wheatear were on Copeland Island this morning (CBO)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was seen again at the yacht club end of The Quoile (Garry Armstrong)

A pair of Twite were feeding along the front at Ballycastle, close to the Shorebird Cafe (Clive Mellon).

A Grasshopper Warbler heard this afternoon at Stoneyford, in the meadows marsh area to right of lake just before houses in the village. (Noeni Bryars & Suzanne Belshaw).

A Great-spotted Woodpecker was at Brackagh Bog, Portadown. (Steven Fyffe).

The dark bellied Brent Goose was at Killough. At Killard were 3 Purple Sandpipers, 2 Wheatear and Whimbrel (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop, Carol Gillespie, Ray Bennett)
Thanks to Michael Latham for the picture of the Belfast WoW Little Gull, to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Cuckoo, to Cecil Smyth for the picture of the Black-tailed Godwit and to Linda Thompson for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gull and the Redpoll:


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