
Bird News Sunday 30th April

A Dotterel is at Myroe Levels (Neal Warnock)

A Tree Pipit was on Rathlin Island (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

Fanad Head had a female Lapland Bunting, 23 White Wagtails, 32 Whimbrel, 20+ Greenland Wheatears and 40+ Long-tailed Ducks in summer plumage (Wilton Farrelly)

The Long-Billed Dowitcher was still showing at The Quoile this morning. The Drake Ring-necked Duck was also present. (Philip West \ Tony Donaldson \ Cecil Smyth)

An Arctic Tern was at RSPB WOW along with 50 Common Tern and an adult Ring-Billed Gull. The first summer Little Gull was also present (Daniel Newton)

A Wheatear (Greenland race) and Reed Warbler were at Copeland Bird Observatory this morning. (CBO) The third Redstart of the weekend was also seen later on.

Three dark bellied Brent, a Sanderling and 10 Dunlin were at Kinnegar shore (Stuart McKee / Daniel Newton)

A Greenland Wheatear was at Fairhead (Ronald Surgenor)

A Cuckoo was at Kinramer, Rathlin Island this evening (Richard Else)

A Swift was over Boucher Road, Belfast (Gerard McGeehan) 

Thanks to Neal Warnock and Cecil Smyth for todays pics. You can see other bird pics at :

Long-billed Dowitcher, Cecil Smyth:

Dotterel, Neal Warnock:

Long-billed Dowitcher, Tony Donaldson:

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