
Bird News Thursday 24th August

A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper was at the southwest corner of Lough Beg this evening - it dropped into the flooded area with a flock of Snipe at about 5pm; flew out about thirty minutes later but not relocated after that. The spit at Mullagh had six Ruff (including four juveniles), a Whimbrel and 300 juvenile Black-tailed Godwits. (David Steele)

Reed Warblers are still showing in the reed bed around Kinnegoe Hide at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong)

9 Black-tailed Godwits where in the grounds of Stormont estate this morning (Paul McCullough), A lot of people were left mystified by them, so if you were one of those people, now you know. (you can see Paul's picture below)

Rathlin Island had a few new migrants making things slightly more interesting: the first White Wagtails of the autumn, Grey Wagtail, Whitethroat, Common Sandpiper, 8 Golden Plovers, 2 Lapwings and 2 Kestrels were probably the highlights. Also 2 Arctic Skuas offshore (Ric Else /Hazel Watson)

A Kingfisher was at Belfast Waterworks. (Larry Toal)

Below a Chiffchaff and a Sedge Warbler from Oxford Island today. Third pic is the Black -tailed Godwits at Stormont and the fourth pic is of a Sand Martin, kindly sent in by Linda Thompson.

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