
Bird News Wednesday 23rd August

There was no sign of the juvenile Black Tern at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve this morning, a Ruff and a single Sanderling were present. (Garry Armstrong).

A few family parties of Twite were seen around the Giants Causeway this morning (Colum Flynn)

100+ Black-tailed Godwits were at the King's Park Primary School playing fields, Newtownabbey (Nichola Henry)

3 Little Egrets were at the Bann Estuary (Colin Guy/Hill Dick).  A pale phase Arctic Skua was at the Barmouth. (Colin Guy)

A juvenile Whinchat and a Swift were the highlights from today on Rathlin (RicElse and Hazel Watson)

Thanks to Wilf Swain for this pic of Magpies interacting with a Buzzard:

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