
Bird News Tuesday 1st August

Kinnegar this morning had a Ruff, 2 Knot, 4 Common Sandpiper and a Greenshank (Daniel Newton).

46 Curlew were on the shore off Myroe. Yesterday 2 Little Egret were with 18 Grey Heron at Toome (Shane McGarvey).

A hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crow was at Wallace Park in Lisburn. (Suzanne Belshaw).

The Bann Estuary had 2 Whimbrel, 30 Sandwich Terns, a mix of adult and juveniles, 75 Dunlin and a Sanderling. (Tom Ennis & Tony Dodds).

The Osprey was back at lower Lough Macnean this morning reported by local landowner (per Brad Robson).

An adult winter Little Gull and four summer plumage Knot were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).

Thanks to Suzanne for the picture of the hybrid Crow and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Buzzard.

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