
Bird News Wednesday 2nd August

Late news from yesterday was of a Great Skua off the East lighthouse on Rathlin. (Chris Rankin).

The Spotted Redshank has completed a month at Bann Estuary.... good views today. Also present c100 Sandwich Terns, 20 of which were juveniles (Hill Dick/Peter Robinson).

Also yesterday on Rathlin there were 3 Greenshanks and 19 Curlews at Rue. Today there were 6 Turnstones, 8 Dunlins (including our first juv of the year) and a Sanderling in Mill Bay.  (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pictures of this ringed Common Tern from Whitehead, yellow ring on right leg and a metal ring on the left leg.

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