
Bird News Wednesday 30th August

An adult American Golden Plover was at Myroe today, on the main lawn fields (Hill Dick \ Peter Robinson) A picture of the bird is below and more can be seen at:
A Green Sandpiper was on Rathlin this morning (probably the first modern record on Rathlin) Also seen were a single Whimbrel, 32 Curlews and 2 White Wagtails (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)
55 Brent Geese flew over Whitehead this afternoon (Cameron Moore) 40 were subsequently seen at Whitehead and also an Arctic Skua (Gerard McGeehan)
A Brent Goose was at Kinnegar Shore. A Roseate Tern was also at RSPB WoW (Daniel Newton)
Melmore Head, Co Donegal in 7 hours had 2 Sabines, 1 Balearic, 370 Sooties, 9 Poms, 14 Arctic Skuas, 17 Bonxies, 4 Arctic Terns, approximately 2000 Manxies, 13 Common Scoter, 1 Whimbrel, and 3 Pintail. (Eric Randall and Oscar Campbell)
At St Johns Point, Co Down this morning a feeding frenzy just off the lighthouse included c500 gulls, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Sandwich Terns, Cormorants and 600+ Common and Black Guillemots and Razorbills (Fulton Somerville)

A Long-eared Owl was at the Ecos Centre, Ballymena (John Parkinson)
Thanks to Hill Dick for the pic of the American Golden Plover and John Parkinson for the Long-eared Owl:

American Golden Plover, Hill Dick:
Long-eared Owl, John Parkinson:

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