
Bird News Thursday 31st August

A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Myroe turf fields, The American Golden Plover was still present (Jeff Larkin). Both birds were still present at 2:15. (Billy Miskelly)

1200 Manxies, 175 Sooties and 4 Sabs Gulls flew past Melmore Head in flat conditions with only a light swell. Birds were going past til c0845 and then dried up quickly. Also 5 Arctic Skua, 6 Bonxies, 3 Arctic Terns and 8 Common Scoter were seen (Oscar Campbell)

A flock of c.50 Brent Geese were at the Floodgates in Newtownards today (Chris Henry)

A late Swift was still flying around and entering its roof nesting space today in Derrytrasna (Pat Flowerday)

RSPB WoW had at least three adult and one juvenile Roseate Terns. Also a Little Gull moulting into second winter/adult winter plumage, one adult Ruff and a juvenile Sanderling (Stuart McKee)

A Black Tern was at Loughshore Park, Belfast Lough (Lilian Cummings)

Two Hen Harrier were seen on Rathlin (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

Thanks to Jeff Larkin and Lilian Cummings for todays pics:

Buff-breasted sandpiper, Jeff Larkin:

 Black Tern (RHS), Lilian Cummings:

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