
Bird News Friday 1st September

The adult American Golden Plover was still at Myroe this morning (Gerard Murray) The Buff - breasted Sandpiper was located from the same location this afternoon with a flock of Ringed Plover (Gerard Murray)

Seawatching at Melmore Head was quieter this morning. In 2.5 hours in a very gentle westerly there were 28 Sooties, 16 Bonxies, 8 Arctic Skuas, 2 Arctic Terns, 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Great Northern Divers, 5 Kittiwakes and a Peregrine and Whimbrel over the headland. (Eric Randall)

A flock of c40 Black-tailed Godwit were feeding on pitches at Musgrave Park, Belfast at lunchtime (Adam McClure)

An adult Little Gull flew past Carrick this morning heading towards Belfast.(Ian Enlander)

The blog team would like to thank everyone who kindly report Little Egrets, the sightings have become so numerous and widespread that we feel they no longer need to be included on the daily sightings, the only sightings that will appear are eg any high counts.

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