
Bird News Saturday 2nd September

The adult American Golden Plover and the Buff-breasted Sandpiper were still at Myroe this morning (Daniel Newton) the American Golden Plover disappeared for a while but was refound at 3:30 pm. A Hen Harrier, Merlin, 2 Peregrines and 10 Wheatear was also seen. (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop/Carol Gillespie)

An Osprey was at the Barmouth, Bann Estuary (Birdguides).

On Rathlin two Sooty Shearwaters headed north past the East Light this morning. Not much of note on the island, with three White Wagtails, one Grey Wagtail and a Wigeon the highlights so far. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Two Red Kites were just off the B2 opposite Lough Aghery between Hillsborough and Ballynahinch. (Gerard McLaughlin).

Thanks to Gerard Murray for the flight shot of the American Golden Plover, to Noel Austin for the picture of the Dunlin and to Gerard McLaughlin for the picture of the Red Kite:


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