
Bird News Sunday 10th September

Two Buff-breasted Sandpipers are at Myroe throughout the day (Michael Latham) Two Curlew Sandpipers were also present (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

9 Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Kevin Kirkham)

At Magilligan Point at 4pm in a strong westerly wind were 5 Arctic Skua ( 4 dark 1 pale) and 1 Bonxie all flying west into Lough Foyle. An Arctic Tern was also on the beach. (Raymond Fulton)

At Burial Island, Co Down a Pomarine ‎Skua,,an Arctic Skua and 14 Red-throated Diver were seen. The hybrid Ring-billed Gull was back at Millisle (Richard Weyl).

Thanks to Michael for the pics of the Buff-breasted Sandpipers and a Curlew Sandpiper:

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