
Bird News Monday 11th September

Seawatching at Rue Point, Rathlin 0800-1130, this morning produced: 1 (probably 2) adult Sabine's Gull, 1 Leach's Petrel, 1 Arctic Skua, 6 Great Skuas, 16 Sandwich Terns, 12 Arctic Terns, 5 'commic' terns, 15 Wigeons and a Whimbrel. (Ric and Hazel)

Seawatching at Ramore Head had an adult Sabines, 10 Arctic Terns, 2 Arctic Skuas, 7 Bonxies, 8 Storm Petrels, 6 Leaches Petrels, 30 Manx , and two Great Northern Divers (Stuart McKee, Gerard McGeeban and Shirley Dunlop)

At Myroe, the two Buff-breasted Sandpipers were still present (Tom Ennis, Carol Gillespie and Ray Bennett)

Further seawatching from Ramore Today at Ramore Head, 0700 - 1100  had 1 Pomarine Skua , 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 12 Leach's Petrels, 2 Arctic Skuas, 1 Bonxie, 26 Wigeon, 8 Common Scoters, 9 Arctic Terns and 8 Brent Geese. Between 1730 - 1930 there were 9 Leach's Petrels, 1 Sooty Shearwater, 1 Bonxie , 1 Great Northern Diver, 2 Red-throated Diver and 100 + Manx Shearwaters. A number of Brent Geese were seen arriving from  the North West this afternoon at Portballintrae - approximately 200 in four flocks (Colin Guy)

The Red-necked Grebe, 4 Ruff and 2 Bar-tailed Godwit were at Lough Beg today, (Gareth Bareham and Matthew Tickner). The adult Med Gull was at Portrush East Strand. 10 Leach's Petrel and 4 Bonxie were at Ramore this evening. (Matthew Tickner)

An Arctic or Pomarine Skua was seen distantly on Lower Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh this evening (Brad Robson)

Thanks to Noeni Bryars for this pic of a Ruff (one of 8 today) at RSPB WoW:

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