
Bird News Monday 16th October.

10 Swallows were flying around this morning just outside P'down,birds obviously flying in front of storm Ophelia.(Brian Nelson)

A seawatch off St John's Point Co.Down produced 9 Great Skua, 11 Swallow, 1 Great Northern Diver and 3 Red-throated Diver. (Ronald Surgenor)

2 Sand Martins and a Wheatear were along the shore near Portstewart beach.(Colin Guy)

8 Pomarine Skua(together), 2 Great Skua, 6 Manx Shearwater and 10 Sandwich Tern passed St John's Point this afternoon. A Wheatear, 2 Goldcrest and 6 Redwing were on land.  A Pomarine Skua, an Arctic Skua, a Great Skua and 300 Kittiwake were at Tyrella beach (Tim Murphy)

Our thanks to Cameron Moore for the pics of the Med Gull and the Common Terns. Also to Ronald Surgenor for the pics of the 2 Arctic Skuas and the Great Skua

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