
Bird News Sunday 15th October

An adult Little Gull was at Groomsport. (Richard Weyl).

A male Hen Harrier was being mobbed by Hooded Crows at GR ID228075 on the Antrim Plateau between Buckna & Capanagh Wood at 14:30 this afternoon, a Raven was also present. (Kevin Kirkham-Brown).

5 adult Whooper Swans were at Strand Lough at 5pm before flying off south. (Tim Murphy).

A Red Kite was just north of Armoy, Co. Antrim this afternoon. (Colin Guy).

A Red-throated Diver was on the Bann Estuary today, see picture below. (John Clarke).

A Redwing, the first reported this winter, was in Bangor today. (Kerry Leonard).

Red-throated Diver John Clarke:

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