
Bird News Friday 5th January

At Lough Island Reavey (Kilcoo) today were 2 male Goosanders plus 3 females/immatures. (Jim Wells)

The Glossy Ibis was less than 10m off  the Grangefoyle Road, Bready on the south side, last field before river, up to 9.45. In fields nearby there was also a Brambling and Tree Sparrow (Mike Savage)

An adult Glaucous Gull was on Rathlin today, plus Great Northern Diver offshore, Pochard and a small arrival of Fieldfares. (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

On Strangford Lough, between Chapel Island and Greyabbey Bay, 20 Slavonian grebe and 3 Black-throated diver (Richard Weyl)

A Little Auk was at Benone Beach, close to the flagpoles. (Dick Haydon)

Off Portstewart Head there were two Red Throated and a Great Northern Diver (Sean Hickey)

The adult Black-throated Diver was showing well off Groomsport. (George Gordon)

Killybegs Harbour today had 7 Iceland Gulls (4 adult & 3 1w), 5 Glaucous Gulls (a 2w & 4 1w) also 1 Little Egret. A Slav Grebe was at Mountcharles and a female Greater Scaup at Bunduff lakes. (Seamus Feeney)

A Great Northern Diver, two Slavonian Grebe and two Long Tailed Duck were off Macadon point (Stuart McKee)

Many thanks to Terry and Angus for the pics below:

Terry Hanna, Tree Sparrow:

Angus Kennedy, Redwing:

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