
Bird News Thursday 4th January

A pair of Goodander (1m, 1f) were at Lough Island Reavy. (Daniel Newton)

The red head Smew was at Portmore Lough this morning (Brian Murphy)

The Glossy Ibis was on show on the Grangefoyle Rd, Bready Co Tyrone.(Christine Cassidy/Lindsay Hodges). see pic below

A Brambling and a Blackcap where visiting a garden Loughries, Newtownards.(Graham Day)

The American Wigeon was still at Dundrum. A Slavonian Grebe was in Ardglass harbour, a Great Northern and Red throated Diver at Kilclief, an Otter in was front of Quoile hide; Iceland Gull,Purple Sandpiper, Jack Snipe, Grey Plover and Twite were at Portavogie. A Kestrel was at Patton’s marsh. see pics 3 & 4 below (Garry Wilkinson and Nigel Moore).

The Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus.(Adam McClure)see pic 2 below

The male Smew was showing well at Inch Lake, Co. Donegal, also a female Long-tailed Duck. In the Inch fields 3 White-fronted Geese and 1 Barnacle Goose were with a large flock of Greylag Geese. 2 Tree sparrows were also present. (Hill Dick / Peter Robinson)

A Snow Bunting flew over Ramore Head this afternoon (Colin Guy)



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