
Bird News Friday 2nd February.

A ring-tailed Hen Harrier was at Kilmore Quay, Lisnaskea,Co Ferm.(John Young)

The Smew was still on show at the RSPB Portmore Lough reserve as was the Hen Harrier, there was no sign of the Glossy Ibis. (Daniel Newtown)

The Green-winged Teal was seen again at the Ecos Centre (Jeff Larkin)

At Ballycastle's Toe river a female Goosander was off the harbour,also 2 Great Northern Divers, and a 2nd winter Iceland Gull were roosting with Black-headed Gulls, (Patrick Barton/Micheal Barton)

2 1st Winter Iceland Gulls were at the Bann Estuary. (Richard Donaghey/Hill Dick)

Killybegs Harbour today had circa 25 Iceland Gulls, 12 Glaucous Gulls and 2 probable 2w Kumlien's Gulls (Seamus Feeney / Michael Casey)

Thanks to Jason Bain for this pic of a Purple Sandpiper from Larne:

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