
Bird News Saturday 3rd February

The drake Green-winged Teal was again at the Ecos Centre this morning (John Parkinson)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Cairn Wood, Craigantlet (Daniel Newton)

The red-head Smew was still at Portmore Lough, Co Antrim this morning. Also a Little Egret - not often seen at this location. (Kev Kirkham)

The Glossy Ibis was seen againat Portmore at 1.15pm plus Little Egret. (Ivan Murdock).

An adult Iceland Gull and a Little Egret were at Waterfoot. (Janet & Fulton Somerville).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Oxford Island. Three Pink-footed Geese were with Greylags and Whooper Swans at Reedy Flats. (Garry Armstrong).

A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at Kilkeel harbour. (David Knight).

At least 4 Glaucous Gulls were between Glenarm and Garron Point on the Antrim coast, including a new 2nd year bird. (Neal Warnock).

The Hen Harrier was still at Portmore this evening. (Lilian Cummings).

You can see Noel Austins post on the Oxford Island Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Friends of Oxford Island Facebook page at

Thanks to John Parkinson for the picture of the Green-winged Teal, to David Knight for the picture of the Iceland Gull, to Lilian Cummings for the picture of the Hen Harrier, to Neal Warnock for the picture of the Glaucous Gull and to Noel Austin for the picture of the Great Spotted Woodpecker:

John Parkinson:

David Knight:

Lilian Cummings:

Neal Warnock: 

Noel Austin:

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