
Bird News Sunday 4th February

The drake Green-winged Teal was at the Ecos Centre (Daniel Newton)

A Glaucous Gull was in Carnlough (Daniel Newton)

The Glossy Ibis, the Smew and a Merlin were all at RSPB Portmore Lough this morning. (James O’Neill)

This afternoon at Portmore Lough were the Glossy Ibis and a ring tail Hen Harrier (Richard Woods)

A male and female Goosander were at Lough Ross Crossmaglen today. (Joe Devlin)

14 Sandwich Terns were at Portaferry marina (John Wilson Foster)

A Slavonian Grebe was off Macedon Point today and a Great Northern Diver off the back of Ballycastle pier (Michael Latham)

Circa 300 Common Scoter we’re off Murlough, Co Down (Mike McLaughlin)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Oxford Island (Annette and Raymond Elkin / John Moore)

Thanks to James O'Neill for this pic of the Glossy Ibis. It was taken from the hide as it flew over:

Female Great Spotted woodpecker, Annette Elkin:

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