
Bird News Monday 19th March

A Velvet Scoter was off Newcastle Harbour ( Frederico Bianco, Garry Wilkinson) 

The Twite flock was still at Sandy Bay, Larne (Frederico Bianco, Garry Wilkinson & Nigel Moore) 

At least 8 Sandwich Tern were at Strangford (Derek Polley)

A Great-spotted Woodpecker was at Gosford this morning (John Anderson)

A Wheatear was on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

4 Scaup (two male and two female) were still at Belfast WOW ( Frederico Bianco, Garry Wilkinson & Nigel Moore)

The 2cy female Hen harrier was at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh (James O'Neill)

The drake Smew was still at Inch, Co Donegal (Christine Cunningham)

Thanks to James O'Neill for this pic of the Hen Harrier and Christine Cunningham for the Smew: 

James O'Neill, Hen Harrier:

Christine Cunningham, Smew:

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