
Bird News Tuesday 20th March.

 A female Goosander was at Dungonnell reservoir.(Sean Hickey)

An Iceland Gull was on Ballycastle beach along with 4 Purple Sandpipers.(Michael Savage)

An Iceland Gull was seen around Newcastle harbour.(Leonard Charles).

The female Ring-necked Duck was still showing well in the Closet River mouth at Oxford Island, see picture below. (James O'Neill).

The Glaucous Gull was still on Rathlin this morning, see picture below. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A 2nd winter Iceland Gull and a Scandanavian Rock Pipit were on the shore at Carnfunnock, see pictures below. (Colin Guy).

Female Ring-necked Duck - James O'Neill

Iceland Gull -Michael Savage 
Glaucous Gull - Ric Else

Iceland Gull - Colin Guy

Scandanavian Rock Pipit - Colin Guy

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