
Bird News Saturday 21st April

A Blue-headed Wagtail was present at Rathmore Pitch and Putt Course,Portrush For a short time this morning before being disturbed by golfers. A Short-eared Owl was being mobbed in a field on Dunseverick – Causeway coastal path. (Colin Guy).

An adult Ring-billed Gull and a possible first winter Kumliens Gull were at Kinnegar shore this morning (Daniel Newton)

Swifts are now widely reported.

12 White Wagtails and a Wheatear were around the Discovery Centre at Oxford Island this morning. (Garry Armstrong).

A Glaucous Gull was still present on Rathlin, see picture below. (John Parkinson)

30 White Wagtails and 15 Whimbrel were at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB reserve Fermanagh (Amy Burns)

Thanks to Daniel Newton for the picture of the presumed Kumliens Gull and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Kestrel, to Colin Guy for the record shot of the Blue-headed Wagtail and to John Parkinson for the picture of the Glaucous Gull:


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