
Bird News Sunday 22nd April

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still still at the Quoike. A Ruff was also present. (Wilton Farrelly / Michael Latham)

A Glaucous Gull was at Killard (David Stirling)

At Lough Beg, a Little Ringed Plover was at Paddy’s Dubh and 300+ White Wagtail were also present. (David Steele)

Yesterday a Red kite was over Annacloy at 19.30pm (Garry Wilkinson) and late news was of a Barn Owl near Crossgar on Wednesday morning (Cynthia Rice)

A Red Kite was along the Dromara Road, Dundrum (Wilf Swain)

A first year Little gull was at Cloughey Bay (Richard Weyl)

Glaucous Gull - David Stirling:

Red Kite, Wilf Swain:

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