
Bird News Saturday 23rd March

The Kumliens Gull was around Kinnegar Sewerage Works this morning (Daniel Newton)
Also at Kinnegar we’re 3 Sand Martin, 4 Sandwich Tern and a Ruff. (Ed O'Hara)

6 Black-throated Diver were off Kircubbin and 24 Slavonian Grebe at Greyabbey South (Garry Armstrong)

Chiffchaffs are now widely reported. Many thanks to all who shared sightings.

6 Sand Martin where at Killard Co Down. (Alastair McLean)

A Willow Warbler was seen on Copeland Island on Friday night. This is the earliest ever recorded in the Observatory’s 65 year history.(Chris Acheson)

The Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrick and 2 Long -tailed Duck were off Fishermans Quay. (Brian Sutton)

Kumlein's Gull - Ed O'Hara

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