
Bird News Sunday 24th March

The Kumliens Gull was feeding at Kinnegar Shore this morning. (Garry Armstrong) It relocated to RSPB WoW where it was seen at 12:30 (Daniel Newton)

5 Sand Martin were at Oxford Island (Ed O’Hara)

The adult Iceland Gull was at RSPB WoW early afternoon. (Wilton Farrelly)

Portmore Lough had 4 Ruff along with 12 Black-tailed Godwits in with around 2000 Golden Plover (Clive Mellon)

Chiffchaffs are now widely reported. Thanks to all for the sightings.

Thanks to todays photographers for their contributions. You can see more pictures of our local birds at:

Female Great Spotted Woodpecker which has been visiting a garden in Bangor - Jonny Andrews

Peregrine - Mervyn Campbell

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