
Bird News Thursday 11th April

A Golden Eagle was over Rathlin this morning before drifting off south. Also on the island today, there were a Hen Harrier, the Snow Bunting still, at least 7 White Wagtails and a large arrival of Willow Warblers.  (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Two Pintail remain at the Quoile (Shaun Cleland, Alan Ferguson and Bert Montgomery).

The Bann Estuary had a significant gathering of c700 Black-tailed Godwits; also c600 Golden Plovers, 43 Sanderling, 42 Ringed Plover and 2 White Wagtails (Hill Dick)

Willow Warblers, Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins are now widely reported. Many thanks for the sightings.

Thanks to Ric for the picture of the Golden Eagle and to Dick Glasgow for the picture of the Hen Harrier:

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