
Bird News Wednesday 10th April

Yesterday a Stock Dove was on Rathlin, this is only the second record for the island, a female Snow Bunting was also present. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

The Snow Bunting was still on Ratlin today, a White Wagtail and a flyover Crossbill were also seen.
(Ric Else & Hazel Watson)

Lough Beg this evening had three Sandwich Terns, a local rarity, over the ponds at Mullagh, also four White Wagtails, a Whimbrel and 1,000+ Black-tailed Godwits. (David Steele).

Thanks to Ric and Hazel for the pictures of the Snow Bunting and the Stock Dove, to Wilf Swain for the pictures of the Bullfinch and Wheatear and to Thomas Campbell for the picture of the Gadwall:

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