
Bird News Friday 25th October

2 House Martin were seen briefly over Killough this morning (Chris Murphy)

The Short-toed Lark was still on Tory Island (Brian McCloskey)

A Merlin flew in off the sea at Ramore head this afternoon it flew along the cliff edge a couple of times before heading inland. Also seen was a pod of approx 10 whales (possibly Pilot Whales) accompanied by Bottle-nosed and Common Dolphins (John Clarke)

Birders in County Armagh might like to consider following the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Twitter page for the Armagh region. It can be found on Twitter at @BTO_Armagh. There will be regular updates on BTO surveys, activities and general birding in the Armagh region.

Kingfisher - David Hunter
Little Egret  - Wilf Swain

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