
Bird News Thursday 24th October.

A Great Egret is on Rathlin Island, it's the third Egret species seen this year.(Tom McDonnell.)

St John's Point had 1 Red Throated Diver, 10 Skylark and 2 Buzzard. Photos form St John's Point, Newcastle had 7 Red Throated Divers and c300 Common Scoter. (Fulton Somerville)

Two Snow Bunting were seen at Binevenagh.(Jonny Rosborough)

At least 5 White-rumpled Sandpipers were in the drainage channels at Myroe. Also seen was a Peregrine and flocks of Whooper Swans arriving at Myroe and Magilligan,  also a single Pink-footed Goose at the Bann Estuary. (John Clarke/Hill Dick)

A Short-toed Lark and Lapland Bunting were on Tory Island (Anton Meenan)

Snow Bunting photo was kindly sent in by Jonny Rosborough. 

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